The CAT-21 aspirants are now extremely busy and they are no doubt full of stress and anticipation regarding what to expect in the examination. Getting acquainted with the syllabus and then going through all the sections and not to mention sorting through the previous years' questions and all the resources that you gather from various sources are enough to make you feel worried. Your CAT preparation online classes are definitely keeping you on track but, nothing would be enough unless you start evaluating your performance with the help of the mock tests. So, once you are halfway through your preparation you should immediately start taking the mocks.
Mock CAT exam: How to approach it?
Just because this is the mock test that does not mean you are going to take it lightly. You need to be as serious with it as you are going to be with the CAT. So, basically what you are going to do is to be disciplined and keep these pointers in mind.
Just be serious about it, get all your revisions done. There should not be any kind of distractions like checking the phone, or, anything else. Do not get up from your examination, take it seriously just imagine this is the real one.
Once you are done with the test you should consider retaking the examination again and this time without the time constraint. It is then time for a thorough analysis and comparison. Find out what went wrong and which are the areas where you made the most errors and what slowed you down. Your CAT online coaching might help you out in this regard as you would be guided by the faculty members and would be able to get the analysis done in the right manner.
Try to look for a pattern or patterns in your analysis so that you can identify the loopholes. However, be methodical about it, otherwise, you will become confused and the process will get messy.
Start taking the mocks and start making improvements in your CAT preparation.