The CAT examination is approaching and there is a lot of tension right now due to the ongoing pandemic which is unsettling a lot of things around us. However, there is also anxiety regarding the CAT preparation, and no matter how much you try, the distraction kind of sets in. There is one way to find peace though, you can concentrate on the studies only and stay focused. You should never let any kind of distraction make you feel upset or, distracted. However, there are some tips that you need to keep in mind if you truly, want to make a difference.
Best CAT Exam Online Preparation Tips:
You should stay away from social media for these couple of months. You need to learn how you can do that effectively, just switch off the phone when you prepare. If you are having trouble focusing you should consider changing your study routine for a while. But you should stay away from checking your phone as this would only ruin your concentration.
You are mostly doing online CAT preparation and staying online to get your resources and also classes. This would definitely help you save a significant amount of time, you must utilize this time to prepare harder.
The temptation to hoard study materials can be really stronger, but you must learn to check yourself. There is simply no need for you to collect extra material, this would only create a mess for you. The only thing you must do is to work with the study material you have gathered from CAT online coaching classes. This should be enough for your preparation because this is curated material that would be sufficient for your need.
Take mocks to understand which areas you need to improve on. You will focus on those areas specifically and soon you will find yourself master these sections.
Keep the tips in mind and get ready to study harder than ever before and keep all distractions away.